Got some questions about the counselling session?

Questions you might have about the session


Face to Face or online sessions?

The counselling session can take place face to face in my therapy room in Wicklow Town or online using video conferencing software called Zoom.

While online counselling offers certain benefits, there are also limitations that are worth bearing in mind when deciding which type of therapy will best suit your circumstances.


Benefits of online therapy:

Therapy from your own home at a time that suits you.

You may find it easier to talk, focus and express yourself in your own environment.

You may enjoy wearing comfortable clothes, bringing a cup of tea, and avoiding a commute to and from your therapy session.

Secure encryption software offers confidentiality and peace of mind.

No chance that you may be seen entering a therapist’s practice.

Research shows that online therapy is as effective as in-person therapy.


Things to consider:

Are you comfortable using internet technology?

Would you prefer to see your therapist face to face?

Do you feel your situation is too complex to discuss via the internet?

Is there a computer terminal that you can use privately without interruption?

Is the quality of your internet connection sufficient for video conferencing?

When there are less nonverbal cues or body language for you or the therapist to read, this can lead to misunderstanding.

Online counselling is not sufficient support if you feel you are in crisis. Signs of crisis may be feelings or thoughts about suicide or harming yourself or another.


Fees and the client agreement:

The therapeutic session is 50 minutes. The fee per session is €60 and is paid on the day of the session. The sessions are weekly and held at the same time each week. To get the full benefit from therapy it is important that you attend weekly. However, if you are unable to attend a session 24 hours notice is required. If notice is less than 24 hours, the full fee is payable.


What to expect?

At our first meeting, I will ask you a little about why you are seeking therapy and what you hope to gain from it. You will be invited to discuss any concerns you may have and I will answer any questions. I will go through an agreement with you, which will include your contact details and provides information on the confidentiality of our sessions, fees and the cancellation policy as discussed above. You will receive a copy of this document to take home with you.

This session provides us both with the opportunity to meet each other and for you to get a sense of how I work and if you feel comfortable and safe working with me. I believe that the potential of our work comes primarily from the alliance that we build together, so it is important that you choose a therapist that you can connect with and feel comfortable with.


How many sessions:

The duration of counselling may vary. You will know yourself how long you will need and it is something that we can decide and work towards together. If you wish to cease counselling, you may do so at any time, but I ask that you attend at least one session after this to close out our work together, which is deemed best practice and necessary in order to have a suitable ending.

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
— Carl Jung